Investigation Discovery has a solid working knowledge of asset recovery laws. Our network of professionals are prepared to assist to ensure assets that you are rightfully entitled to are returned to you. We are in the relationship business. This is a people business too, not just about dollars and cents, but this is a people business. We are in lock step with clients.

Services include but are not limited to  documenting ownership, resolving holder reporting errors and omissions, facilitating estate administration and civil actions, . Fees include all costs to prove entitlement,

Payment is contingent upon you receiving your assets. Investigation Discovery guarantees that you pay nothing if your funds is not returned to you.

Our services are provided on a “Success or No Cost Basis” and there are no upfront fees.


Our dynamic program has a proven track record of success. We focus on client communication and input during the information gathering stage. We also have access to countless databases which we rely on to gather additional information in support of claims. It’s all in the details and we do what it takes to gather data and document evidence in support of client claims.


Where do we deliver the most? In our client’s results. We’ve worked with clients from estate heirs, trust owners to Fortune 500 executives and everything in between. We provide a guarantee that if your funds are not returned to you, you don’t pay absolutely nothing regardless of the amount of time and funds we have invested in an attempt to recover the assets.